路由# 321076470

类型的 储蓄账户: 一个指南,最好的帐户为您的需求

2023年7月17日 5分钟

A 储蓄账户 is the right place to keep cash you don’t need to spend immediately. It’s ideal for medium-term saving because it preserves the dollar value while paying interest.

储蓄账户不同于银行账户 支票账户,用于日常交易. 储蓄 accounts 让你 to save money for specific goals, such as an 应急基金例如,买房的首付款,或者一笔 大量购买.

While you can make withdrawals from your 储蓄账户, your financial institution may limit the number of times you can perform certain transactions per month.

a是什么? 储蓄账户?

A 储蓄账户 is a type of bank account that allows you to earn interest on the money you deposit. The amount of interest you earn varies by the type of account and financial institution. 储蓄 accounts can be a safe way to earn interest on your money if you open an account with a reputable institution, 比如Patelco, 在哪里 your money is insured up to $250,000 per member,每个帐户类型.

While you have to pay taxes on earnings from interest, 储蓄账户 are an easy way to earn passively. They also offer you more convenience and liquidity, meaning you can easily convert your 储蓄 to cash, though you may face penalties for making withdrawals, 取决于账户.

A 储蓄账户 is a type of bank account that allows you to earn interest on the money you deposit.”

不同类型的 储蓄账户

These are the most common types of 储蓄账户.

1. 定期储蓄

这是最基本的储蓄账户类型. It pays interest and is typically insured by the NCUA or FDIC. At Patelco, your money is insured by the NCUA up to $250,000 per member,每个帐户类型.

2. 货币市场储蓄

货币市场储蓄 accounts have two important advantage over basic 储蓄账户: you can write checks against the balance and typically enjoy higher interest rates. Money market accounts make great 应急基金s, including 我们的货币市场账户. (Note that money market accounts are not the same thing as money market funds, which are an investment account not guaranteed by the FDIC or NCUA.)

3. 感兴趣的检查

虽然严格来说是个支票账户,但是 支票利息帐户 accomplishes the same thing as a typical 储蓄账户: an insured account with growth from interest. Traditional 支票账户s don’t pay interest, but 支票利息帐户s do – albeit at a lower rate than most other 储蓄账户.

4. 股票

股票 are offered by credit unions and are great for earning more than a basic 储蓄账户 offers. 的权衡? You won’t have easy access to your money for a set amount of time (from three months up to several years). That’s because if you withdraw the money early, you’ll typically have to pay a penalty. 股票 make good sense when you have a set time you need the cash (in 12 months for example). They’re also a good place to save money you don’t plan to spend in the near future.

如果你离 退休, a share certificate is probably not the best place for your 退休 funds, as they typically grow much slower than other 退休 investments. If you’re already retired, however, they’re a 储蓄 vehicle you should consider.

股票 and certificates of deposit vs. 储蓄

由信用合作社发行, a share certificate is similar to a certificate of deposit (CD) offered by banks. 两者都有最高250美元的保险,000 per account holder and are available in terms ranging from three months to five years.

If you think you’ll need withdraw your money in the near future — for an 应急基金 or unexpected expenses — choose a 储蓄账户. Opt for a share certificate or CD if you’re certain you won’t need access to the cash for several months or years, 这取决于你的财务目标. Since share certificates and CDs offer higher interest rates, you’ll grow your 储蓄 faster.

什么时候选择货币市场账户vs. CD或股票

If you’re looking for easy access to your money, a money market account may be the right choice for you. Most banks and credit unions allow a set number of transactions from a money market account, allowing you to write checks and use a debit card if you need access to your funds.

与此同时, 存单(或股票, as it’s known at credit unions) might be a better option if you’re planning to set aside money for a substantial purchase in the future: Once you make your initial deposit, your money is untouchable until the end of the term. It’s also one of the safest options: Not only is your deposit insured, 你的利率也被锁定了.

5. 健康储蓄账户

健康储蓄账户 让你. 作出可抵税的捐款, grow your money tax-free and pay no tax on withdrawal – as long as the funds are used for qualifying medical expenses. 开一个保险公司, you need to be enrolled in a high-deductible health plan, 通常是通过你的雇主.

6. 大学储蓄(529计划)

529计划的目的是 为大学攒钱 学费、书本费和住宿费. Although contributions to 529 accounts are not tax-deductible, they grow tax-free and distributions are not taxable if they’re used to pay for college expenses. 还有一个类似的计划叫做a Coverdell教育储蓄计划, which can be used for grades K-12 and higher education, 但限制为2美元,每年供款1000万.

